Tuesday, December 28, 2004


i hate my birthday.


Anonymous said...

Because it is at the end of the year? The proximity of christmas hampers gift potential?

I am quite ambivalent about my own birthday, so much so that I kept it a secret for many years...

melpie said...

the proximity to christmas makes celebration either an inconvenience or an afterthought.

i sometimes get bitter about it ... i'm better now though.

Anonymous said...

if you think about it...only every few years is someone able to actually go OUT on their birthday day...most times, people have to resort to waiting for a weekend. so really, you're not that unfortunate. cheer up! we'll have a blast on january 7 or 8!

Anonymous said...

if you think about it...only every few years is someone able to actually go OUT on their birthday day...most times, people have to resort to waiting for a weekend. so really, you're not that unfortunate. cheer up! we'll have a blast on january 7 or 8!