Tuesday, December 14, 2004

so emotional

i'm a girl. we tend to get emotional ... usually it just corresponds with certain hormonal swings, but i've found that as i have gotten older, i'm emotional almost all the time. reading the toronto star's acts of kindness (http://www.thestar.com) makes me misty eyed. the bell christmas commercial actually warms my house. it's sad, but it's true. i hate to admit it.

when i did become emotional?

the myers briggs test always told me that i was a thinker, not a feeler.

i'm a capricorn, i'm supposed to be realistic ... yet sometimes caps can be seen as cold and unfeeling.

so why ... when everything else indicates otherwise ... am i suddenly emotional?

i guess it is soothing to know that i do have feelings though. that's the one good thing.


Anonymous said...

that's funny. the bell christmas commercial doesn't warm MY house. there must be some special connection between bell and your house that allows for that to happen...lucky.

ps. you are an emotional thinker. your tendency to over-analyze emotional situations proves this.

Anonymous said...

Face it tiger, he's just not that into you.

Anonymous said...

Feelings eh? I'd like to get me some of dems, one day.


melpie said...

oops, i wrote house instead of heart ... mostly b/c my house is so cold! our door definitely needs some weather-stripping

so ... i think my over-analysis of situations just proves that i'm a thinker .. thinkers tend to analyse too much ... feelers just go with their gut.

so ha!

p.s. clasher, i've got some feelings to sell, how much are you willing to pay?