Saturday, January 06, 2007

two in one day!

so ... my little sister is getting married. we've known about this for a while and the wedding's now less than a month away. crazy to think that in a few short weeks, my sister and i will no longer share a last name. but that's another issue.

anyway, she has a large wedding party (or i think it's a good size at least ... 5 on the bride's side and 5 on the groom's). on the bride's side, it is four close friends from high school and myself. and sadly - i am starting to feel a little isolated (i'm taking much comfort in the fact that i will have friends at the wedding).

all of the girls live in the home town - i live in the city. ok, to be fair, the maid of honour just moved down to the states - but she's still in charge of things. so every once in a while i get a phone call to fill me in on the details of this or that. and then when the event in question happens (for example, the buck and doe), i get to stand around like a doofus and do nothing.

so .... soon we shall have the "friends" shower and the stagette. i am dreading this. i got the phone call about the plans a couple days ago. they think that there should probably be about 25 girls .. and then i was asked if i wanted to bring a friend.

yep. it's gonna be one fun day. *resumes dread*


miko said... can bring me! when is it?

can't you just drink a lot to ease the pain?...or does that make me an alcoholic?

melpie said...

it's the 20th - two weekends away.

i can try to drink the pain away, but then i'll just be the lonely drunk in the corner. woo ... hooo?

miko said...

hmm. i'm working on saturday so it looks like my brilliant plan to save you from lonely alcoholism has been foiled.

but who says you have to be a lonely drunk?! isn't drinking supposed to make you more social? can you befriend one the less cliquey friends? you can do it!

melpie said...

well ... technically it doesn't start till 6 ... but i can always drink away the social awkwardness, right? heck, ets' daughter even offered me a ride home ... do i take it?