Friday, March 13, 2009

what a load ....

so watching tv. gotta love tv - there's always some stupid thing to complain about. today's complaint - lucy zillio - sooo annoying. and worse - always schilling for something. tonight's product? a book that tells you that there's no such thing as being born shy - that it's not natural. that you should look ppl in the eye when you're talking to them - that it shows how confident you are - that it helps you connect with people.

i would like to disagree. while this may be true for some ppl - it's not for all. i think it's just another perpetuation of control extroverts have over the world. there's nothing wrong with being an introvert - it's only problematic because extroverts have decided that it's an issue because they don't understand it.

it makes me rather upset that introverted qualities are deemed as the lack of confidence, and therefore a sign of weakness. it is a form of discrimination that's largely ignored. although - maybe i won't go as far as discrimination - but it results in a lot of misunderstandings. which is unfortunate. and it also results in ridiculous self-help books to make ppl change into something that they don't need to be.

and ... anger has simmered down. that was fairly short.

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