Wednesday, November 12, 2008

a step in the right direction

a couple years ago i had one of those horrible break-ups that usually only exists on screen, given its degree of overdramatization. now - before you get the wrong idea - i'm not talking about the emotional repercussions of the break-up or how long it took me to get over it, no. i'm talking about the 30 or so minutes that i physically spent trying to explain to this guy about how it wasn't going to work, and then trying to extricate myself from the situation. (the emotional attachment on my part was, let us say - slim to nil).

anyway - among the gasping and the sobbing (his, not mine), mr. definitely not right was able to choke out his theory that i would never find love and therefore never be happy. for once, he tried to back up his argument with what could loosely be considered as reasoning (even if i don't personally find it all that reasonable). and the reasoning? apparently, i'm abnormal. and the abnormal cannot be loved. (apparently happiness is defined by heterogeneity).

shortly thereafter, i was talking to another ex, with whom i'm still friendly. he expressed his condolences over the failed relationship (apparently i date in small circles - the guys are acquaintances). during the course of the conversation, he made the assertion that it would never have worked out between me and the other guy, because the other guy needed someone with more stability.

the long and short of it? within a week, i discovered that i am neither normal nor stable.

but - oh! how the tides have turned. recently - i've been blessed with super powers. compared to mere mortals, my powers of super slothdrom are astronomical! however, they (yes - they of vagueries, hooded in the dark corner, unmentionable by name) are jealous and wish that i be disarmed. i am being monitored by their minions - those of the white lab coats and clipboards. and slowly, surely, i am making progress. just check out yesterday's status report: stable.

yes ... finally. i am stable! sure ... i'm not normal yet .. but you can't expect me to achieve it all in one try. so - i just wanted to say - HA! ha! to those of the past that doubted my ability to operate within society. this girl's almost ready to debut - just you wait and see!

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