Friday, October 24, 2008

melpie, the bubble tease

if i were to write an autobiography, it would most likely be entitled "adventures in embarrassment" - or that's what i've decided at least. snippets from my life that would provide endless entertainment to others. and of course, would make them feel better at their relatively low levels of klutziness.

so, today's episode? well, it has to do with bubble tea. after a happy fun day of medicinal discoveries, i was sitting down for this delightful treat with a friend. i hadn't had this scrumptiousness for some time- and it brought back wonderful memories of university.

sucking back the bubbles is of course the essence of the bubble tea experience. these balls were dewy with honey goodness (please - no laughing - this is completely innocent, completely pg ... well, so far ...). how delicious!

anyway - we were chatting, sipping our teas and enjoying the tapioca pearls. i made them dance up the straw, marvelling at the movement. but then, somehow .. one popped out. heck, it didn't just pop out, it popped out of the top of the straw and landed smack dab into the middle of my cleavage. right down the front of the shirt. of course, the only reasonable thing that i girl could do in this situation is to .. well, fish the thing out. sadly - it was a slippery little sucker.

so there i was - in the middle of the tea shop - hand down my shirt - searching in vain for a tapioca pearl. but, i exaggerate. it wasn't in vain. in less than a minute (but probably close to - i found it! now i know how the pirates felt when they found the buried treasure.

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