Tuesday, December 11, 2007


knowledge is powerful. knowledge is indispensable. knowledge is dangerous.

why do i say this? i, the one who is a self-admitted information addict? how can i make such statements against knowledge? what has caused me to turn against it? do i still trust it? do i still crave it?

it's natural to let the knowledge of the past inform opinions of the present. sometimes we have to learn things the hard way and hopefully that experience keeps us from repeating our mistakes. but what about when we learn of the history of others. should that inform our opinions of the present?

i've been reading lately. well, reading more committedly as of late than before ichapod went into his current vegetative state. my books often take place in different times and in different places. lately there seems to be a recurring theme of revolution, rebellion - and of racial division. what's scaring me is that it's starting to make me look at the world differently. in canada, we're so far away from that struggle - from those emotions - from that deep hatred, the passion and need for freedom. it's easy to paint everyone with the same brush. but then you start learning about the past and it changes things. it can make you embarrassed of your own history. it can make you question others' motivations. it can help you understand where others are coming from - but, at the same time, it can make you wonder what's really hiding underneath. what are people not expressing? is everything as open as we would like to believe? does the white snow wipe out the history? how dangerous is our naivety - or should i call it ignorance?

or am i just getting paranoid?

(wow, that's a lot of question marks)

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