Tuesday, February 28, 2006

ring ring... hello?

i think i may be starved for phone attention. this is really a funny predicament b/c i don't really even like talking on the phone. in fact, i rarely even phone people - just to check on meeting times and things like that. heck, my parents don't even phone me anymore now that they've discovered the beauty of instant messaging.

so there seems to be somewhat of a contradiction in there. i guess i only want the attention in as much as i feel special that someone calls and asks to speak to me. it means i'm like the chosen one! unfortunately, the only time i seem to be the chosen one on the phone that my room mate and i share is when someone's trying to solicit a donation from me or sell me something.

so this gets me to my original story. picture this - it's sunday night. 11:30. i'm sitting around minding my own business in my living room. suddenly i hear a loud, peppy sound - much to my surprise, it's my cell phone (surprise b/c i was hearing my phone ring - both b/c someone was calling and b/c the ringer was actually turned on).

alas, the sound is coming from far away. my phone is in the bedroom! i make the mad dash. i frantically search through my bag and the silver box that is my cell phone fell out onto my bed. i flipped it open. i didn't recognize the number. i put the phone to my ear just in time to hear "i don't think she's going to answer - click"

i now feel deprived. who is this mystery person trying to call me? why haven't they called back? was it ed mcmahon? did i miss my chance at a million dollars?

sure, it was probably a wrong number.

but ... what if?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to work at a bakery that had an internal phone system. Sometimes, late at night, random stations would ring. You'd pick up the phone, and it would be a dial tone. Ghost callers we'd call them. But it was freaky cus it would always be at whatever station you were working at.

So... what's your number ;)