Thursday, December 15, 2005


so ... apparently melpie is a child. she sulks in the corner believing the world is against her, when really it is not.

see, melpie keeps a blog. she tries to update it on a somewhat regular basis (if you can call monthly a regular basis). every once in a while someone comments on what she has written and melpie is thrilled. in november, she was so inspired, that she wrote not one, but TWO entries (aren't you impressed?).

melpie doesn't like to admit it, but her favourite part of the blog is that she gets to see ppl's comments. these comments inspire her to write - b/c if no one is going to read your blog, then you might as well just keep a personal diary, right? ok, that's the less selfish sounding reason for liking the comments - really, it just helps to flatter her ego that she has written something that someone feels is worth commenting about. she was becoming quite perturbed b/c many of the comments were simply spammers. spammers who claimed to have great interest in what she wrote and then would direct her to a website to buy hunting rifles and other equipment! THE NERVE!

she used her trusty blogspot options in order to set spam filters. she wrote another entry and waited for the real comments to roll in.

but then there was silence. nothing! weeks went by - not even an acknowledgement that she had written. sure, not everyone comments - but she usually will get one after a month or so, even if it's just to say "why haven't you updated in a while?" she began to sulk, to contemplate whether or not she would ever again publish in the blogosphere. *tear*

well, last week, melpie was chatting with rayne on msn. he inquired why she hadn't made a new post for a while. she pouted and said it was because no one had commented. he promptly set out to remedy this problem.

alas - the comments wouldn't show up. melpie began to doubt whether he had even try to publish any. she waited and refreshed and waited and refreshed. still, the comment counter remained at zero. this resulted in more pouting (hopefully her face won't freeze into a perma-pout after all this sulking).

today, melpie yet again discussed the lack of comments with rayne. perhaps she had to approve comments, he suggested. she thought this would be an odd thing - but she might as well check it out. she logged into her blog ...


there were 6 comments to be approved!

all is well in the world again. blogging can begin again!



Anonymous said...

is this why you didn't contact me for like ever?


Anonymous said...

maybe this is why i didn't hear from you for like ever


Anonymous said...

i wonder if this is the reason why you didn't acknowledge my existance for like ever.


Anonymous said...

Yay, December 14th, let the blogging begin!!