Monday, October 18, 2004


ode to toilet paper.

your neatly quilted flowers,
all rolled up neat and white.
always there when you need it,
morning, noon or night.

but tp, i must ask you -
where do you disappear?
i know you get used up, it's true
i don't expect you to last a year.

yet, this morning i renewed you.
a soft, full fluffy roll.
and this evening you were empty,
were the sheets stolen by a mole?

or better yet a rat,
but why would she stow you away?
tp is for one thing ... unless ...
is she eating you? she must think you're hay!

*the end*

p.s. i apologize for the awful poetry. but ... i had to make something out of a joke. a whole roll of toilet paper was used up today ... melissa was rather confused ... and then she came up with the solution - no one, i.e. melissa3, uses that much toilet paper in one day - unless of course, they're eating it. mmm ... bleached, fibers-y goodness!


Anonymous said...

Nico Says-

If by "Toilet Paper" you mean "Emptiness", and by "Quilted Flowers" you're making a social commentary on the apathetic numbness of urban center living... Then I know exactly where you're coming from.

melpie said...

but what if by "toilet paper" i mean "toilet paper" and by "quilted flowers" i mean ...w ell ... "quilted flowers"

i've decided to be the preeminent wysiwyg poet.